

《国王的新衣》那个刁蛮公主? 记得小时候看春晚,这个节目挺搞笑的,当时小,不知道这是讽刺,只觉得可爱啊,两个穿着新衣服的小姑娘真好看呀…… 后来长大了点,看了英文版。 才懂得这赤裸裸的讽刺。

The Emperor's new clothes has been there for years. Nobody dare to criticize him before he showed his new clothing to the whole town. Suddenly an unruly child in front of everybody said that the emperor was naked, and all the people laughed and cheered. The emperor was very angry and ordered the police to bring the bad-mouthed kid to prison. But when they caught the kid, instead of sending it to court, the emperor gave orders to let it go free. And why, because this “unruly” little girl told the truth, and the emperor loved her honesty so much that he even wanted to make her a minister, an offer that she immediately accepted. 我想,这个故事应该给了你一点启发吧。 至于其他的故事,你可以搜索下“安徒生童话英语版”,有很多网站有英文版安徒生童话全集。 有空你也可以看看动画片版的《皇帝的新衣》,个人觉得比童话故事本身更耐人寻味。
